Saturday, October 3, 2015

Lucy's Secret

Little Miss Lucy is a hoot sometimes!  It's kind of hard to describe, but it's sometimes her mannerisms, or the way she says something, or the words she uses to explain something, but sometimes she just makes us laugh at everyday things.  She honestly brings so much laughter to our home! 
The other day...I was sitting on the floor playing with her and it looked like she was kind of done building whatever we were building, so I told her I have a secret for her.  She came up to me, she leaned in and I whispered, "I love you."  She looked at me and smiled.  The I asked her, "Do you have a secret for me?" (Thinking that I might get an "I love you" too).  She grabbed my face and turned my head so she could whisper in my ear and in the sweetest whisper said, "Pee-pee, poo-poo."  I just couldn't help but erupt into laughter all by myself!!  Of all things to say!  I know this might be a little inappropriate, but at least maybe some of the potty training is sinking in?! I just wanted to remember this "secret" moment.
Her secret isn't so safe anymore :).
Lucy, thanks for the laughs we get each and every day from you. Keep that little personality coming! :)

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