Thursday, November 5, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday Aubrey!

One hand old!  How can you be 5 already?!  You have grown and changed so much.  Each year has been better than the last! 
You have grown into such an inquisitive girl...about everything! "What were you talking about Mommy?" "What does that word mean?" "How does that work?" are just some of the question we get asked on a daily basis.  You want to know how everything and why everything works!  You've also asked some pretty deep theological questions as well.   
My goodness, your imagination!  The crazy things you tell us about and your pretend play keep us entertained all the time.  You've had a series of "bad dreams" lately, one being about a polar bear that wouldn't stop licking your ankle!  This seemed so scary to you, but a little funny to us.  Your pretend play around the house cracks us up.  As of late, you play with your pretend horse 'Stella' and ride her around the house.  Your explanations make us laugh.  Stella always has so much energy and when you were asked about her energy level you simply stated, "She doesn't need any more energy.  She gets energy from the sun because she makes the sun come up!"  Your pretend friends Coconut and Belly haven't made any appearances lately.
You have one incredible memory (too good sometimes)!  You can tell us directions to places you've been to only once, you remember where and when you got hurt, and you also remember what you were wearing and even when you wore a certain outfit years ago! 
You are still one very active little girl.  You're not always jumping around and crazy-like, but you've developed some incredible physical abilities.  You can do cartwheels and summersaults, you climb across the countertop when you hang down (but mom doesn't like that so much), you can do the monkey bars and climb your way all the way to the opposite side and you can do a headstand in the middle of the room and hold it there with no support. You figit and can't keep still even when cuddling on the couch!  You even figit when we're putting you down to go to sleep.  The only time you sit still even a little bit is when we're reading books together. 
You love music and the louder the better!  You know so many words to so many songs and we love hearing you sing in your sweet little voice while we're driving places or when you're singing by yourself during playtimes.  We have had many a dance party and your dance moves do not disappoint!  Sometimes the ballerina comes out in you, but usually only on the slower songs.  You have your own opinions about song choice as well and you're not afraid to share those and when to 'skip' the song.  The best is when you sing the songs that we sing to you when you're going to bed.  Priceless.
You have become so responsible in helping around the house lately.  You help empty the dishwasher, put away laundry and dust. You've become quite responsible with making your bed and take pride in it when its nice and neat :). You also love to help mommy cook and bake.  All those cooking shows you watch with mommy are rubbing off :). 
Speaking of shows, you love to watch any cooking or baking show (and you even use the words they use to describe foods like 'texture' and 'moist' to describe your dinner), America Ninja Warrior (yup, you love to watch this show with daddy), and your wonderful belly laugh comes out when we watch America's Funniest Home Videos.  You also like to watch Angelina Ballerina, Octonauts and your favorite movie is still Frozen.
You are learning so much every day.  Its amazing how much that little brain of yours can hold!  You are always talking (and you don't hesitate to reason with us when you don't get your way), you are starting to learn how to read by sounding out words and putting letter sounds together and you can even read some of your books, you recognize and look for words that are familiar to you whenever we go somewhere, you know the days of the weeks and months, you know your ABCs forwards and backwards (literally) and you can count up to 100 (and you say that you count to 100 when you can't fall asleep).  You love preschool and getting to learn new things and have fun with your friends.
You are the best big sister. Your love for your sister shows every single day.  You are so willing to help her, talk to her, try to calm her down, and protect her in so many ways.  You even use the same words we use as parents towards her and you're like a little mommy showing kindness and compassion.  We love seeing the friendship, relationship, and closeness between the two of you blossom and grow.  We love hearing your little conversations and your interactions together.  We are so happy God has blessed you with a little sister and we know Lucy loves you dearly.
You have grown a lot this year!  You're growing out of all your clothes and especially your shoes.  Thank goodness you're not a picky eater!  Now we just have to teacher your sister how to eat :).
You are still a shy and sensitive girl and we're learning to embrace that's how you are :).  You still stick by momma quite a lot when you're not quite comfortable in a situation.  You're learning to share your special toys and games and are learning how to communicate when things don't go quite your way :).
You are very much a girly-girl.  "Pink and purple are the best colors ever!"  Glitter is imbedded in our carpets, but we wouldn't have it any other way :).  You love dresses and hardly every want to wear pants.  You match outfits pretty well too! You love anything that has to do with princesses!  You're definitely a princess at heart :).

When you love, you love hard.  You have a genuine love for many people and you get excited to see them.  You love to help and ask how people are doing.  You worry when we see an accident on the road and you remember to ask and pray for friends and family who are sick. 

Aubrey, you bring so much joy to our lives and our hearts everyday.  We love you to pieces and we could not imagine life without you in it.  It's been such an honor to be your parents for five whole years!  You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His and we pray that you would know this through and through.  We love you sweet girl.
Happy Birthday!
Daddy and Mommy

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