Thursday, March 7, 2019

Happy 6th Birthday Lucy!

Lucy Lu!  How can you be 6 already sweet pea?!

You are one spunky little girl!  You always keep us on our toes!  You have such a big personality and you're not afraid to show it.  You are confident and strong willed.  When you make a choice or a decision, you stick to it.  You know what you want!

Your dancing skills are on point.  You constantly make us laugh with your moves, especially your current "DJ" move where you even put your hand up to your ear and spin the record with your other hand.  You love music and it gets inside you!  You memorize songs so easily and add your own twist to a lot of songs you know.

You are pretty independent.  You love to play on your own whether it be with dolls, stuffed animals, or with your tea set.  You like your time alone, but you love to play with your sister (most of the time even getting along!).  

We love seeing the relationship you have with Aubrey.  Even though you may be very strong on your own, you look up to her and want her approval.  It's so sweet when you try to make a situation easier or better for Aubrey somehow by being so loving and caring towards her.

We love how you're still cuddly and want to hold our hands as we walk somewhere or if we're sitting together on the couch.  We know that won't be forever and we love those sweet moments with you!  You always make a point to give us hugs in the morning :).

You are still a sleep walker.  You scare us sometimes, but most moments are pretty funny even at 1:00 am :).

Kindergarten has been fun for you!  You don't like to do your homework and you procrastinate on it a lot, but you're learning so much!  You can read some books, count well into the 100s, and you love to learn new things.  You won an award this year for great 'active listening' and 'no put downs.'  You're respectful and responsible. Your favorite books are non-fiction books and you love learning new facts especially about animals!

You're creativity continues to amaze us!  Your drawings, sculptures, your homemade play props, and the way you "make things work" are amazing.  We love to see what you come up with and you always add your own little spin to things.

You are still our little sweet petite!  You're still tiny, but you're strong and agile!  Those little legs can move!  You are such a fast runner and you can outrun even Aubrey!

You.  Are.  Hilarious!  You make us laugh all the time and the things you say sometimes need to be recorded to we can remember them always :).  You are a jokester and are always trying to make us laugh.  

You're a finicky eater.  You'll eat like a monster for week and then go on a fast the next!  Your favorite food is shrimp.

You love anything yellow.

Gymnastics has been fun for you as you continue to move up levels and practice your skills.  You love to ride your bike and love to be outside.

Lucy, our days are so joyful with you in it and we are so thankful for you!  Every day is brighter with you in it!

We love you sweet girl!  Happy 6th Birthday Lucy!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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