Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day 2015

These girls and their dad.  They have a special bond that is hard to explain, but I get to be the lucky one that sees the bond and the closeness they share on a daily basis :).  The way they play and laugh together melts your heart.  The way Brandon throws the girls up in the air or wrestles with them sometimes stops my heart!  But in every interaction with them there is love behind it all.

He entertains (a lot of the time with playing his ukulele and singing some pretty crazy, made up songs), he laughs, he's patient, he's stern and disciplines when its warranted, he takes every chance he can get to spend time with the girls, and he is ever sacrificing and works hard for our family.  I can go on and on, but I'll stop for now :).  He's just wonderful and I couldn't imagine parenting these little girls without him (especially on those days when I just can't handle another tantrum!).

Thank you Brandon for loving our girls and I unconditionally through it all!  Thank you for everything that you do for us and for the wonderful example of a loving husband and father you are.  Happy Father's Day!!  We love you!

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