Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saying Goodbye to the Tower Today

 It was nearly 10 years ago when Brandon got his official offer letter.  We were engaged and going to be married within the following five months and we didn't know where he was going to be offered his job.  We could have been placed anywhere in the United States, but God placed us right in our home town, at Sacramento International Airport, and we didn't have to make a big move.  We were both SO excited! 

Flash forward almost ten years and Brandon has loved his job!  He has loved controlling airplanes (even though his dream of flying wasn't in the plans, this was a close second 😊 ), he has loved working at an airport, and being involved in aviation.

The girls have LOVED to visit daddy at work on occasion.  Whenever it is time for us to leave, tears are often followed by especially Aubrey.  The girls got to see the tower and daddy at work for the first time years ago and they have loved it ever since!  Here's a glimpse of that first visit here.


Brandon has been applying to another facility for years now.  It was one closed door after another the last few years, but a few months ago he got accepted!  He got another official offer letter and presented me with it along with a bouquet of flowers.  This guy knew as I excited as I would be for him and our family, I would be equally as nervous and scared of this change.

So, we've all had a chance to process and be excited for this new job opportunity.  This means so much for our family long term and we are so incredibly grateful for this provision!

As of today, Brandon won't be working at Sacramento International Control Tower anymore.  He will be at Northern California TRACON near Rancho Cordova where he will be doing radar approaches and departures for a certain region of northern California (yet to be determined).  His schedule will still be a rotating shift schedule throughout his career, and we don't know what his days off or schedule will look like as of yet, but we know this type of schedule at this point and we've learned to adapt pretty well :).

This job change comes with some major transitions for us.  He'll be going to Oklahoma in a couple of short weeks for two months to get specific training on radar for his new job position.  With a working wife and mom and two young girls at home, this has been heavy on our hearts as we anticipate this time apart, but we know who is in control and we are so thankful for the friends and family who have come along to support us already!!  What a blessing that is!  I also have an amazing teacher partner who has understood our family needs and has been so flexible, understanding, and wonderful to us! 
After he leaves Oklahoma, he'll be on the job training with simulators and trainers.  He'll be in 'school mode' for about a year and a half to two years before he completely certifies to do the job on his own.  The last time he went through training it was just the two of us, in our careers, with no little girls in tow.  We know and trust that the timing of this transition is perfect as hard as some days will be for us.  So, despite the many schedules and things to manage, we are apprehensive about how all this is going to play out, but nervously excited at the same time!

 Brandon has been dreaming of this job for a while and now its reality!  We have never had to walk by faith as much as we have now.  With so many unknowns in so many areas of our lives, we are trying to take it one day at a time. 

So, here we go!  There's our little update! We're jumping into this new journey and adventure!  You have so many people rooting for you and behind you every step of the way.

"I just want to tell you good luck.  We're all counting on you."

We are so proud of you daddy and love you so very much! 




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