Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Preparing for this years fathers day started a few weeks ago. Now if you have a kid who is still on a pretty strict feeding and napping schedule it can be a little tricky getting out of he house at times. I had to seize the opportunity one day to get Brandon's Father's Day gift. It was nothing really special but he needed some good sandals and with that we got him some of his favorite goodies. I had to take the girls with me and Aubrey is at the age where you really have to explain things and she asks a lot of questions. She also has a really good memory.

That brings me to a couple of days ago. We're sitting at the dinner table and Aubrey out of the blue says, "Daddy, we got you sandals!" Brandon really tried to ignore it, but he couldn't contain his laughter. I just hung my head. This was the first incident where she spilled the beans. 

Second incident. We were making cookies yesterday and Aubrey was helping me. Brandon had to run some errands so he left. While he was out I told Aubrey we needed to wrap his present. Brandon all of a sudden comes in to get something he forgot and Aubrey blurts out, "Daddy, we're going to wrap your present!"  I mean really cute, but seriously girl?! Spilling our secrets twice?!  Well it wouldn't be the last in preparation for this day :). 

Third incident. Brandon comes back from running his errands and Aubrey drew on his card while he was gone. She excitedly states when Brandon comes through the door, "I drew on your card. Go and get your card!!"  I just looked at Brandon and simply stated, "Epic fail."  I laugh at Aubrey's innocent, excited enthusiasm for giving these gifts. She has shown time and time again that she really is such a caring girl and we just love her for it. 

Now Father's Day morning has arrived and Aubrey is eager to greet her daddy. Well she drank a little too much water last night and she got up a little wet. When Brandon got up she rushed to give him a hug. Brandon happily picked her up and she said, "Happy Father's Day! I'm sorry I'm a little wet...with pee." Brandon just started laughing :). I know Brandon loves being a dad and these moments just make it even more memorable. Our quirky girl is just too much for us sometimes and we can't wait for what Lucy might say and do. We later gave Brandon all of his random gifts (of which he already knew most of them) and we had one of his favorite dishes for breakfast. 

I asked Aubrey some questions about her daddy this year and these are the answers she gave me:

This was also Lucy's first Father's Day and it was a special moment for Brandon when she cuddled with him and laid on his chest during church today. These two have a special little bond and he can really make this girl smile and (almost) giggle :).

On top of that Lucy was happy and had a really good day today!!  Daddy also loved the way she looked today in her dress :).

 I would say these girls look pretty darn cute with their daddy's arms around them. I just love these three so much!

The rest of the day was busy with church and family. We had a delicious lunch with Brandon's parents and Tyler and Jessica.

My mom and dad came over in the late afternoon for some dessert and I got to give my dad his cookies Aubrey and I made for him.


We also got to FaceTime with Krystal, Jon (who had his very first Father's Day!) and Norah. 
We're missing one grandchild in this picture. Aubrey is spending the night with Nana and Papa and Lucy will be spending the night with my parents. For the final leg of Father's Day Brandon and I are spending the night away in Santa Rosa because we're going on a hot air balloon ride tomorrow!!! This is Lucy's first night away from me and of course I'm a little anxious, but I know she is in good hands. Here's to celebrating Father's Day and Brandon's 30th (again) in one weekend! We love you daddy!! We could not ask for a more sacrificing, caring, loving and overall awesome daddy and husband!!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Noah was looking at a hot air balloon in a book the other day, and I said, "Aubrey's mommy and daddy are going to ride in one of those." Now every time he sees it he says, "Aubrey girl's mommy daddy in hot air balloon. Silly boy. Been thinking about you too. If you want to come up our way any time we'd love to see you!
