Sunday, May 8, 2016

Celebrating Mother's Day 2016

This Mother's Day we got to celebrate our moms by making them a special dinner last night.  They deserve so much more for what they do for us, but this was our way of saying thank you to some very special ladies in our lives!

Our little table scape included my favorite flowers :).

Almost no celebration is complete with cake or some type of dessert at our house! 
I went with a lemon strawberry cake for our moms who love lemon :).
Nana, we love you so much!!

How could any picture session not include Lucy making a crazy face?! :)

 Baba, we love you so much!

My respect and love has grown for my mom even more after having kids!  I just love her to pieces!

 And now to the girls who call me mommy :).  I love my life with these two and it's so hard to express into words what they truly mean to me.  They have made me a mom, but they have made me understand love and sacrifice even more than I could have imagined.
This morning I got some gifts (and wrapped in a Christmas bag no less!) from Aubrey.  I homemade coloring book, a card, and this little bracelet that I wore proudly today :).
I love these two with all my heart!  I love how moment they can make me laugh and then the next moment they can drive me crazy.  I love the times we get to cuddle on the couch and read and also the times we run and play to get the wiggles out.  I love baking with them, crafting with them, talking with them, singing and laughing with them.  They bring me so much joy my heart just can't contain it sometimes.  Brandon, thanks for encouraging me and empowering me every single day.  I love you and the girls so very much!

We went out to a lovely brunch today after church at it was perfect :).

Thank you Lord for this incredible blessing of getting to be a mom!  My heart is full today and always.  May I always take in each moment as right now they seem so fleeting, and enjoy every single day I have with my little family.  I love the moms who surround me and encourage me, lift me up in those hard times, and give me wisdom when I need it.  I am blessed beyond measure and I don't want to take any day for granted!
Happy Mother's Day!


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