Thursday, February 7, 2013

Quote Project

So this idea came from this picture that I saw and we kind of went with the idea from there.  There was another website that did something similar with the word 'love' and so that's where I got the idea to do this project as words rather than a picture.
Of course I get these ideas (that might be cheap but definitely time consuming) and I have the hubby help me.  Not like he needs anything else on his plate right now, but I'm so glad he's willing to go along with me so much :).
For this project we decided to use part of the verse from Proverbs 31:10 "...She is worth far more than rubies."  So when this big project is finished that's what it will say.
I started off by enlarging the words and printing and pasting them together.

Then I had my dad cut down pieces of poplar wood that would fit the words nicely.  We're going to have five total boards with one to two words on each board.
Then Brandon stained the wood.  We combined two different types of stain to get the color we wanted.  After that is was time to get to the heart of the project.
Brandon drew lines on the papers to show where each nail would have to go.  You don't need them too close together but you want them close enough so when you are finished you have the shape of the letter.  Brandon then taped the paper down down to the wood and started hammering in those nails on the lines that were drawn.  We used 3D 1 1/4" nails for this project and we're going to need a LOT of nails.  The first board took over 200 nails!

After the nails were in it was my job to string the thread back and forth.  We took apart a mechanical pencil so that we could thread the string through and use that as a guide to help get in between the nails. Doing this by hand would be way too tedious and you wouldn't always get the right tension on the string I think. 
After we threaded the string through the pencil I tied a knot to one of the nails and then started working the broken down mechanical pencil with the string in it by going back and forth and around the nails.  You want enough coverage back and forth so you can really see the silhouette of the letters.

I tied knots sporadically on some of the nails to keep them from slipping.  I'll go back and super glue those knots so they don't come undone and glue some of the strings on other nails to make it more secure.  I'll also go back and cut off the strings from where the knots were.
One down, four more to go.  I know it's a big project but I think it's going to look so great in Aubrey's new room when we're finished!!


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